hello, my name is eryn

I didn't discover life on another planet, but I did discover a passion and talent for voice over artistry!

About Me

Hey there, thanks for dropping in!

You may find yourself thinking, "How on Earth (pun intended) does a NASA engineer find herself doing voiceover work?" That's a great question and I would love to tell you! My career in voiceover certainly had an unconventional start when compared to most other VO artists, who typically come from the world of communications, media, broadcasting, and so on.

Follow me by scrolling, and allow me to explain.

In a galaxy far, far away...

I graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno with my B.S. degree in Environmental Engineering. Engineers have an unfortunate stereotype of being bad communicators so we actually had to complete a public speaking class as part of the degree curriculum. Every week we had to give a presentation on an assigned topic, wherein the instructor would grade you on various elements such as tone and inflections, speaking speed, and verbal pauses such as "uhh" and "umm". Now I'm one of those weirdos that absolutely loves public speaking and also a bit of a perfectionist so I was determined to get a perfect score on my final presentation. I practiced my speaking skills diligently, relentlessly, and I'm happy to say that after consistently getting scores of 98 and 99 on my previous presentations, I nailed that final! Perfect 100! Which by the way had never been done before in that class because verbal pauses are so ridiculously hard to avoid and are penalized. It was beautiful...​
Throughout my career at NASA I've done countless public speaking engagements and regularly gave presentations, instructional training, and lectures as part of my job duties. I used to teach a series of intro classes to newly hired engineers as part of a "welcome to NASA" month-long training program and out of all the awesome things they learn during that time, my 3-hour NASA history presentation was consistently voted THE best class! I'm frequently complimented for my gregarious and natural speaking style. I even won a national speaking competition wherein the first place prize was a free trip to suborbital space (unfortunately that trip never happened but that's another story for another time).​
Fast forward to the spring of 2022, and I found myself restless and looking to pick up a side hustle, just to make a few extra bucks a month for fun money. After much Googling for inspiration, I came across voiceover work which immediately piqued my interest. I had a friend in the industry so I started picking his brain about what it would take to get started. He assured me I had natural talent and pointed me to a boon of resources for beginners. I spent countless hours binge watching YouTube tutorials and studying other VO artists. My first sound booth was made out of cardboard and a memory foam mattress topper in a corner of my closet (don't worry, I've since upgraded!). I made over $10,000 during the first 7 months working part-time and that was the start of it all!
Armed with experience and that classic NASA Failure's-Not-An-Option attitude, I set my sights on expanding my voiceover business and that's how Rising Star Voiceovers was born. It's been a crazy, fun ride so far and I'm excited to see how far it will go. If working at NASA has taught me anything, it's that the sky is not the limit!

Let’s make something together, say hi.